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December 7, 2022

Meet PADS4

Official certified software partner of ProDVX

PADS4 is a software platform to enhance user experiences in a smart digital building. Design the best interactive digital signage solution for a smart building through a tailormade combination of PADS4 modules like digital signage, workspace, FIDS and more. Deliver unique high-end solutions to create data-driven user experiences within your organization (Corporate offices, Airport, Factories, Hospitals and more.).

Use the power of PADS4 as a platform to build the entire user workflow and(to)avoid unexpected costs coming from multiple interfaces issues, integrations and configurations. From internal communication to smart workspaces, from flight information to boarding gate management, from advertisements to wayfinding;
PADS4 is a high-class software platform to build your smart digital building experience.

Meetingroom Area

PADS4 Smart Verticals for interactive digital signage solutions

Smart office buildings: Smart office buildings are buildings that optimize the experience of employees and boosts their productivity. Our platform offers endless possibilities like internal communication, the ability of booking a meeting room on your own device or greeting visitors at their arrival.

Smart airports: In smart airports, passengers are guided safely from the curb to the gate using dynamic wayfinding. Additionally, the perceived waiting time of passengers will be reduced using dynamic display communication such as infotainment and targeted advertising.

Smart factory: Smart factory displays KPI’s in real time to increase productivity or display manufacturing processes directly linked to connected tools, manage kiosks interactivity for project management, employee safety or internal communication.

Smart hospitality: Smart hospitality allows for a warmer welcoming of customers with personalized information, the management of events as well as the management of meeting rooms.

Smart retail: An integrated smart retail platform can create a new level of customer engagement and business opportunities. Smart retail will enhance the shopping experience with the advancement of new modern technologies and prove to be the future of retail in general. As an example, smart retail can use digital communication for promotion to attract customers and use social safety signage and dynamic wayfinding to further improve the shoppers experience.

Smart congress: Smart congress centres are massive, multi-purpose and strategic venues, where visitors are informed about events and always up to date. Updates are displayed instantly with minimal administration and the visitor experience can be further improved by guiding them to their destination with dynamic wayfinding.

Smart university: Smart universities are buildings that communicate efficiently to students, professors and other visitors. This improves the experience of all the smart building users by efficiently displaying schedule changes and information about events.

PADS4 solutions

A short description of the interactive digital signage solutions that PADS4 offers

Workspace: Utilizing Workspace in office buildings by letting users search for the right spaces, with personalized criteria, and easily being a able to book it on any type of device (computer, mobile, tablet…). In addition our Workspace module also provides features with smart sensors, LED’s, meeting-room tablets, e-ink and desk devices. Combined with wayfinding, PADS4 Workspace will easily guide you through the building.

Visitor Management: This module enables visitors to check in and out on their own through a kiosk in order to optimize the time of the receptionist at the welcome desk.

Wayfinding: Wayfinding guides your guests and visitors efficiently to their destination without getting lost or disturbing employees.

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A short description of the solutions that PADS4 offers

Digital Signage: Dynamic content that is communicated efficiently to people. This can be any type of information, entertainment, internal communication, digital menu boards, KPI’s, advertisement and so much more.

Third party: PADS4 can integrate with many third-party applications. Third parties are software applications that are not part of the PADS4 platform, but which can be an expansion to it, for example park management, access control or a building management system. These solutions may connect to the PADS4 platform as part of the smart building solution.

FIDS: Stands for flight information display system. Is used to guide passengers safely and efficiently from the curbside to their departure. Airports use infotainment to optimize the perceived waiting time and target passengers based on their travelling destination.

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Why PADS4 chooses ProDVX

Digital communication together with ProDVX

We are proud of our partnership with ProDVX because it enables us to deliver high-end solutions for smart buildings. For example, our workspace module works excellently with ProDVX to let users easily book a room or desk. ProDVX has a large variety of screen sizes, depending on the requirements of every solution. Together with ProDVX we can offer a solution for any form of communication to create the best user experience in any smart building.

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Benefits of choosing PADS4 & ProDVX

The joint solution in five bulletpoints:

✓ Flexible. Every building is unique and has its own infrastructure challenges. Through PADS4 and ProDVX, easily combine our module to build your own user experience for your environment.

✓ Scalable. Start with one module and gradually expand if and when required to do so. By utilizing PADS4, you would save costs with on implementation due to its flexibility in modules and its vast technical capabilities.

✓ Open. Our open data driven platform offers infinite integration and compatibilities with third part technologies. Being hardware agnostic to offer the best solution options based on your requirements is a key focus area we thrive in.

✓ Reliable hardware performance with an extremely low RMA rate.

✓ Smart hardware features that improve essential features of the digital solution.


Details of the joint solution

he PADS4 platform can meet the needs of the digital transformation, while supporting daily work and tasks for facility managers. The platform features five modules, which we will go into detail on below

PADS4 Workspace

The PADS4 Workspace module optimizes available workspaces in the
office with smart management of desks, equipment, meeting rooms,
shared areas, etc. With the possibility of booking and scheduling any
space, employees and guests get more control over when and how they
work. The goal is to improve the user experience in the work
environment, which increases productivity for employees and visitors.

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PADS4 Visitor Management

PADS4 visitor management is the newest module, being released just a couple of months ago. Visitor management helps keeping track of your guests and visitors and help them visit their location. Not only does VMS make the process more efficient, but it also helps optimizing the visitor experience. Visitors can easily check in using a pin or QR code and hosts will immediately be notified about the arrival of the visitor. In addition to that, the time of the receptionist at the welcome desk will be optimized.
Solution meeting room management

PADS4 Wayfinding

Digital Signage is a necessary tool to efficiently guide visitors and employees to destinations in large workplaces such as multi-story or multi-building offices. With PADS4 Wayfinding, you can create interactive maps for digital signage and dynamic kiosks. Integrating real-time information like escalator and elevator status, traffic, and emergency notifications means maps are always up-to-date and can offer the most efficient route – to guarantee effective and reliable guidance. Plus, with full integration into reception, PADS4 Wayfinding can reduce workloads for staff, delivering better control over wayfinding across your organization.

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FIDS stands for flight information display system. More than 25 years ago, we became pioneers in data-driven solutions by creating our first solution for Eindhoven Airport. FIDS makes up the heart of any airport and create a safer airport environment for passengers, staff and visitors. FIDS guides passengers from the curb to the gate using dynamic guidance. Not only does FIDS guide passengers to the correct flight, departure or baggage checkout, our solutions also enable airports to reduce the perceived waiting times with our advertising and infotainment solutions.

Third party

PADS4 Interactive Digital Signage

Everyone understands that digital signage is effective. However, achieving that efficacy requires being able to transform content into creative, dynamic, and easily understandable elements. The PADS4 Digital Signage module includes an advanced “designer template” with functionality to make the most of content, in whatever format. With tools to manage real-time updates, situation-based communication, and rule-based information, it delivers everything you need to keep employees, collaborators, and guests up to date. The module also offers endless creative possibilities with remote management
and supervision.

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Certified hardware

Solve your problems with PADS4 and ProDVX

Easy to use Smart Digital building platform by PADS4.

Combining the five modules, creates the PADS4 Smart Digital Building Platform. This platform is a centralized management platform for smart buildings, developed for a data-driven approach. This allows managers to efficiently use spaces and reduce workloads using smart wayfinding, infotainment, and room and desk management. What makes PADS4 different, is the fact that it's flexible, scalable and open. The platform is easy-to-use and enables you to deliver a data-driven user experience.

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