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September 6, 2022

How to draw attention with digital signage displays

Digital signage display by ProDVX

Digital signage displays by ProDVX provide a reliable, impactful and dynamic way of digital communication. ProDVX offers various digital signage displays that are ready to capture the attention of your target audience. In this blog you will learn about displays made for non-interactive content, also known as one-way communication.

UltraWide digital signage displays

The UltraWide Signage Displays are designed to draw attention on your non-interactive content. These screens have a unique feature: their aspect ratio. This is much wider than regular ProDVX hardware. UltraWide Signage Displays run on Android 8.1, meaning they are also ready to run unique applications.

These digital signage displays come in three different sizes: 24, 28 and 37 inches. The benefit of these larger displays is that they stand out and break through the clutter. Their format makes them the ultimate display for shelf communication in retail, or a wayfinding display that’s mounted on a ceiling.

Apart from their format, the brightness will attract a lot of attention. The brightness level of ProDVX UltraWide Displays is up to 700 cd/m2. Form follows function.

Discover our UltraWide Displays

Signage Displays

These are our well-known digital signage displays for non-interactive content. They are professionally designed and manufactured with HDMI input and integrated Full HD Media Player for continuous commercial use.

They come in various sizes, ranging from 10, 14, 15, 18 and 22 inches. The Auto Video & Loop function allows videos to be played over and over again, making these Signage Displays ideal for retail applications where videos are used to inform or advertise. For example, to promote the latest private lease deals in your car showroom.

Discover our SD series

Digital signage display usage examples

Our partners use our hardware in many different markets. Below are some examples of use cases for non-interactive content on digital signage displays.

  • Digital signage displays for retail: shopping is about experience. Highlight this season’s new blue jacket or engage with customers using personalized content.
  • Digital signage displays for corporate: communicate important corporate information to get your workforce involved.
  • Digital signage displays for hospitality: highlight products that are close to their expiry date, promote extra services or cross-sell products with our impactful displays.
  • Digital signage displays for healthcare: provide your patients with the right information and instructions.
  • Digital signage displays for educational institutions: improve information diffusion so that your students get real-time information.

Learn more about the specifications of our hardware or contact your account manager to find out how it can work for you.


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