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The Essec Group has been a system integrator of nurse call, notification systems and telecom since 1977. In 2005, they noticed that there weren’t many suitable nurse call systems around, and development was slow. Therefore, their subsidiary IndigoCare started developing their own nurse call system: iCall. Today, over 86.000 hospital beds are equipped with the iCall technology.

The Challenge

Which calls are currently active? What is the reason of each call? These insights are vital to supply patients with adequate healthcare while at the same time allowing staff to work efficiently. Next to that, IndigoCare identified wayfinding as an important issue in hospitals: how do I get from A to B in the most efficient manner?

The Solution

IndigoCare developed a flexible IP-based nurse call system: iCall. For keeping staff informed they decided to use our IPPC-10. For the digital signage solution called wayfinding IndigoCare developed a solution which integrates with our APPC-27DSK.

The Result

The IPPC-10 and APPC-27DSK are equipped with an integrated OS, which allows for less hardware to be used on location. Next to that, both staff and visitors are always adequately informed. The combination between the IndigoCare technology and our Intel and Android SOC displays is a very efficient solution.

Click here to view this case study in PDF.


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