Radboud UMC x Innivo x ProDVX

An interactive patient room solution

Good healthcare is a never-ending process. Thatʼs why as a hospital, you are always looking out for what significant part innovation can play in optimising and enhancing care. Therefore, investing in innovation is essential for the healthcare of the future.

However, innovations only make sense when there is intensive collaboration between those directly involved, such as healthcare providers, patients, ICT experts and technology companies. Interactive patient screens, with Innivo software and ProDVX hardware, are perfect examples of that. In this case study, you will learn more about this innovative solution and the advantages it currently offers to the Radboud University Medical Center.

The goal

Becoming more patient-oriented at Radboud UMC

Radboud University Medical Centre is a hospital in the Netherlands that was seeking out a smart ICT solution to make the everyday work of the nursing staff and other professionals more patient-oriented, smarter and safer. Since everything this involves is centred around the patient, the starting point was making all of the information streams concerning patients both interactive and smart. What if the familiar door sign could become ʻsmartʼ and digital?

The challenge

Different information streams and privacy

The information streams Radboud University Medical Centre wanted to display on the smart door signs originated from all kinds of data sources, while patient privacy in the end product must be safeguarded at all times, so the greatest challenge for the software was the setting of the various links within these data sources, whereas for the hardware it was the user-friendliness and easy operability for all users: patients,
healthcare providers, and technical and support departments.

The solution

Interactive patient room screens

For this reason, Radboud University Medical Centre opted for what are known as patient room screens, which consist of (1) Innivoʼs Venue Brain software package and (2) a 10-inch Android Panel PC from ProDVX. This combination makes the important patient information outside the room clearly visible.

Patient room display solution at Radboud UMC
Patient room solution at Radboud UMC

1. Venue Brain from Innivo

Venue Brain connects relevant source systems and besides HL7 messages, it also supports supplementary protocols such as SOAP. Links are created with the EHR of the hospital information systems.

The screens are fed directly from the EHR, and potentially supplemented with information on infection prevention. This means nursing staff always have the necessary information for optimal care.

2. APPC-10SLBN from ProDVX

The APPC-10SLB is used in order to make this as user-friendly as possible. This 10-inch Android Panel is fitted with an LED edge and NFC reader. The LED edge means
the current situation concerning the patient can be read from a distance and at a glance. Moreover, any colour can be used with the full RGB LED. This was important for Radboud University Medical Centre, because they wanted to show the patient room status based on the colour.
The hardware's NFC reader and touch functionalities allow the nursing staff to add information themselves with the staff pass, while unauthorised people are unable to do so.

Testimonial from Radboud UMC

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Benefits and results for Radboud UMC

The interactive patient room screens make Radboud's healthcare more person-oriented and safer. They form an integrated part of the communication with and about patients, making the healthcare smarter, safer and more patient-oriented. There are benefits for every user:

Healthcare providers: they can see important information from outside the room. For instance, if a patient should be fasting, if there is a risk of infection or if the patient has special issues to take into consideration such as being hard of hearing or visually impaired. Healthcare providers can also add information manually, such as not to disturb or care with minimal stimulation.

Patients: there is a link with the patient tablet that provides patients with access to specific information on the screen. For instance, if they wish to not be disturbed or they can add a smiley to show how they feel. Privacy is guaranteed, because some information is only available with a staff pass following an NFC scan, but patients are also able to express whether or not they wish their names to be displayed.

Facilities and technical departments: they can clearly indicate when specific actions have been performed, such as cleaning or maintenance.

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Why choose interactive patient room screens with Innivo & ProDVX

  • Extensive knowledge of hospitals and all corresponding protocols.
  • Fully integrated hardware and software total solution.
  • Patient privacy safeguarded at all times.

About Innivo

  • Innivo leads the way in patient room screens.
  • Innivo has specific market knowledge.
  • Innivo translates technology into added value for our clients.
  • Innivo combines smart software with reliable hardware.
  • Innivo believes in unprecedented technological possibilities.
  • Innivo looks for opportunities and explicitly seeks out collaborations.
  • Innivo shares knowledge to inspire and fulfil the client needs.

Michael Theophanous (ProDVX): “The best total solution for our clients can only be delivered if we collaborate intensively with all parties involved. Innivo has particularly extensive knowledge of this industry, and collaborating always results in satisfied clients.”

About ProDVX

  • Reliable hardware you can always rely on, guaranteeing operational continuity at all times.
  • Only parts from the most reliable brands are used in the hardware.
  • Long-life hardware availability with an extremely low RMA percentage thanks to strict quality control.
  • All products have been fully certified.
  • Many years of experience with product development thanks to its own in-house product development department.
  • Three years warranty (extendible up to five).
  • Advice always personalised, with a support department easy to reach.

Edwin Swaak (Innivo): “What we didnʼt want was a remote supplier relationship; we preferred choosing a collaborative partner. ProDVX delivers, provides insight and innovates.”