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Sjef. is the ultimate customer experience boosting platform for orders and payments in the hospitality and events industry. During the Amsterdam Dance Event in 2021, they launched TurboPOS. With TurboPOS, orders can be rapidly and easily processed before cashless payment is taken. This means less queuing time, which improves the visitor experience. TurboPOS is a total solution comprising Sjef. software and ProDVX hardware: the APPC-10SLB.

The Challenge

One of the biggest bugbears for visitors to dance and other events is long queues, for example at the bar. This insight formed the basis for the development of TurboPOS.

One of the main reasons for long queues is the commonly used event token system. When people arrive at the event, they buy event tokens, which they use to pay for every subsequent purchase at the bar. However, counting these tokens every time is very time consuming for both the bar crew and the visitor. And when they arrive, visitors also need to queue to buy these tokens. This can all be done better and more efficiently!

The Solution

The solution is TurboPOS: a total solution in which the software and hardware both have a major impact on efficiency.

The software developed by Sjef. works very fast, integrates all the possible payment cards, and is super easy to use. Payment is made at the bar, as it should be. But there's more.

Besides the importance of using reliable hardware - defect products obviously lead to more queues - signalling with a full RGB LED bar could also make an important contribution to the efficiency of TurboPOS. That's why the ProDVX APPC-10SLB was the perfect Panel PC for TurboPOS!

The Product

The Surround LED bar of the APPC-10SLB gives both the visitor and bar crew the right feedback about the order and payment, speeding up the order process even more. For example, the LED bar can be programmed to turn green for a successful payment or red for an unsuccessful one.

The cashless payment could also be easily made by connecting a POS terminal to one of the I/O ports of the APPC-10SLB. Furthermore, the Surround LED bar looks amazing and reflects the feel of a dance event. This also contributed to the experience.

Sjef App

The Result

TurboPOS was introduced at both Awakenings, No Art ADE and Intercell. During these events, the TurboPOS was installed on the bar, which visibly improved the visitor experience:

• Shorter queues because of faster orders & payments
• No more queues at token vending machines

The event organisations themselves also enjoyed many benefits of TurboPOS:

• Increased turnover because visitors wait in line less, and often order sooner and/or more
• Upselling opportunities
• Inventory management

Yeri from Sjef. was also enthusiastic about the result:

With ProDVX as our partner we made our POS solution safer and faster than any other POS solution on the market today”.

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This is why Sjef.app chose ProDVX

"With ProDVX as our partner we made our POS solution safer and faster than any other POS solution on the market today"

Yeri Westerkamp | Sjef.app

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Awakenings APPC-10SLB
Awakenings APPC-10SLB