Unigarant specialises in insurance of vehicles (mobility), holidays and leisure. They are the market leader in insurance for bicycles and mopeds. Unigarant is part of the ANWB. The Algemene Nederlandse Wielrijdersbond (ANWB), better known in English as the Dutch Royal Touring Club, provides travel services such as roadside assistance. Over 400 people are employed by Unigarant. They are based in Unigarant’s beautiful office building in Hoogeveen.
The Challenge
Arranging so-called ‘huddles’, or impromptu meetings, was always a bit of a hassle at Unigarant. Questions about room availability, and for how long, were regular concerns amongst Unigarant employees. In order to address this issue, Unigarant started looking for a room booking solution. Also, a solution that allowed Unigarant to comply with important GDPR legislation. Part of solving this problem involved the digitisation of visitor registration forms using digital signage.
The Solution
Unigarant came across GoBright’s meeting room booking solution called ‘GoBright Meet’. A tool that made it easy to make an online reservation for an available and suitable meeting room. Alongside that solution, Unigarant implemented GDPR-friendly ‘GoBright Visit’. This enabled customers to digitally self-register and print a visitor’s badge. For both solutions, GoBright has successfully deployed our displays.
The Result
Unigarant’s employees quickly adapted to the room booking solution and were soon reaping its benefits. They are now able to check room availability instantly on the screen and to make an immediate reservation. Unigarant has also received positive feedback from customers about this user-friendly digital registration system.