Interactive digital signage: advantages

The advantages of interactive digital signage are huge. While advantages like increased efficiency, increased awareness, increased engagement, increased sales and lower costs are quite common in each industry, it’s much more interesting to look at the advantages in each industry. On this page you’ll discover the advantages that interactive digital signage can provide for your industry. Our focus is on corporations, retail, hospitality, healthcare and education.

Advantages for the corporate industry

Corporate organizations benefit greatly from interactive digital signage solutions. Workplace management is much more effective when these solutions are used used:

  • Increase employee productivity: turn the office into a strategic tool for growth by organizing it as a meeting place to match the hybrid working trend. Solutions like meeting room booking, visitor registration with a digital reception, time registration and wayfinding systems are indispensable for this.
  • Gain insight about office usage: the facility department is able to effectively manage meeting rooms and other office space when solutions like room booking are implemented.
  • Engage employees: communicate the latest company news, KPI’s, events or the employee of the month.

Advantages for hospitality providers & event organizations

Interactive and digital solutions will delight guests and exceed their expectations. And it does a lot more:

  • Increase turnover at your restaurant or bar: cross sell or highlight products to encourage impulse buying. Use digital menu boards or self-order kiosks.
  • Reduce costs: save on employee costs by using a self-service kiosk to automate the hotel check-in process and welcome guests, or showcase products that are nearing their expiry date.
  • Increase efficiency: interactive digital signage is able to provide guests with proper feedback on their action.

Advantages for retailers

Many features of interactive digital signage are aimed at enhancing the in-store customer experience. Retail is about impact and brand experience. With digital solutions, it’s easy to highlight, inform, inspire, entice and encourage purchases. The advantages can be felt across the entire customer’s journey:

  • Reduce inventory costs: offer only the most popular products at your store, based on data gathered by in-store digital communication systems and stock inventory data. Your customers can order any other product variation online from a self-service kiosk.
  • Increase sales: an enhanced in-store experience will lead to increased sales – up to 33%. Digital signage will also increase impulse buying at your store.
  • Increase brand and product awareness: highlight this season’s new blue jacket with outstanding digital signage, to capture a customer’s limited attention spans.
  • Increase engagement: interact with customers with barcode scanning or loyalty card scanning for exclusive content and benefits.

Discover interactive hardware

Advantages for healthcare organizations

Improve patient, visitor and employee experiences. With the advantages you will be able to create a smart hospital, dentist location, clinic or doctor offices. These locations all benefit from digital communication solutions:

  • Increased efficiency: queuing systems, wayfinding systems and automated check-in kiosks all efficiently guide patients to their destination.
  • Reduce costs: efficiently manage treatment rooms by connecting a room booking system to wayfinding and/or queuing systems. Then, use its data to make the right decisions about the usage of your building.
  • Support staff: ensure your staff is able to do what they do best: helping patients. Digital solutions automate repetitive tasks as well as tasks that can be easily executed by the patients themselves.

Advantages for educational organizations

Facilitate learning and development. Engaging students is one of the biggest advantages of the solution. This has always been a challenge for schools and universities, but in the current age of hybrid learning, it has become even more important. Using interactive digital signage at education facilities leads to:

  • More engagement: improve how information is disseminated so that your students get real-time information.
  • Facilitate collaboration: offer the opportunity to easily reserve computers, meeting rooms or check-out books at the library.
  • Improve student experience: welcome new students and show them the way to any location inside your campus.

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